Super elevation in Road, Design, Formulas, Examples & Standards

Superelevation in Road Construction

Super elevation, referred to as banking or cant, entails elevating the outer fringe of an avenue or curve above the inner part. This approach complements the protection and stability of cars as they navigate via curves. This layout characteristic lets the vehicle take a curve at a better velocity without sliding or skidding off the road.

To acquire exquisite elevation, the road floor is sloped within the course of the curve, ensuring that the outer fringe of the curve is extended better than the internal aspect. The quantity of extremely good elevation required relies upon on the design velocity of the street, the radius of the curve, and the friction among the tires and the road surface.

The quantity of awesome elevation is usually expressed as a percentage of the width of the street. For example, consider a fashionable exceptional elevation of 6% for a street with a width of 12 ft. This implies that the exterior aspect of the road might enjoy an elevation boom of 0.Seventy-two feet (equal to 8. Sixty-four inches) in assessment of the inner aspect. Highways, racetracks, and other roads with curves generally utilize splendid elevations to ensure a safe and green journey.

Why do we provide super elevation in the road?

We implement super elevation on roads, primarily along curved sections, to enhance the safety and comfort of vehicles navigating these curves. Here are some of the reasons why we provide super elevation:

Improved vehicle stability

Sloping the street surface within the direction of the curve counteracts the centrifugal pressure acting on a car at some stage in curve traversal, improving the stability of the vehicle. This helps reduce the risk of injuries because of skidding or sliding off the street.

Increased speed

By supplying super elevation, a car can tour thru a curve at a higher pace with out the chance of skidding or sliding off the street. This can help lessen tour time and growth the performance of transportation.

Reduced wear and tear on motors

By supplying remarkable elevation, the strain on the tires and suspension machine of a automobile travelling via a curve is reduced. This enables reduce the wear and tear and tear on the vehicle and might help amplify its lifespan.

Improved drainage

Super elevation also enables to improve the drainage of water from the street floor at some stage in rain. By sloping the road floor, water is directed in the direction of the outer fringe of the curve, where it can be drained away extra without difficulty.

Enhanced Safety

By lowering the capacity for skidding, sliding, and overturning, exceptional elevation contributes to basic road protection. It minimizes the chances of accidents and gives drivers extra self-assurance while navigating curves.

What are minimum superelevation percentages?

Calculation of the minimum superelevation percentage includes various factors, inclusive of the curve radius, avenue or railway design velocity, roadway slope, and the coefficient of friction between tires or wheels and the road or music floor. Engineers consider those factors to guarantee that the vehicle can navigate the curve or turn effectively at the meant velocity without veering off the roadway or music.

The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) usually establishes minimal superelevation chances within the United States, decided by way of factors inclusive of the layout speed and the radius of the curve. For instance, for a design pace of 50 mph (eighty km/h), the minimum superelevation percent for a curve with a radius of 500 ft (150 meters) might be 4%, while the minimum percentage for a curve with a radius of a thousand ft (three hundred meters) would be 2%

Design steps for super elevation in road

The design of super elevation for a road involves several steps, which are as follows:

Determine the design speed of the road

The maximum speed at which vehicles are expected to safely travel on the road defines the design speed. This speed is instrumental in determining the necessary super elevation.

Determine the radius of the curve

The radius of the curve is the gap from the center of the curve to the threshold of the street. This is used to calculate the quantity of splendid elevation required.

Determine the superelevation rate

The superelevation charge defines the percentage by which the outer edge of the curve raises above the inner edge of the road width. Engineers calculate this rate using a formula that considers elements along with the design pace, curve radius, and the friction between the tires and the street surface.

Determine the period of the transition area

The transition zone is the segment of the street wherein the superelevation starts off and ends. This sector deliberately plans the transition from the flat road floor to the superelevated surface, after which again to the flat surface. The formula determining the length of this zone considers factors such as design speed, superelevation rate, and other relevant aspects.

Calculate the cross-slope

The move slope is the slope of the road surface perpendicular to the centerline of the road. Engineers lay out this slope to beautify drainage and protection. The calculation of the cross slope involves a formula that considers factors such as the superelevation rate and other relevant parameters.

Prepare detailed plans and specifications

Upon finishing the above steps, we prepare unique plans and specs for the development of the road. These plans and specs include statistics on the specified superelevation charge, transition quarter length, pass slope, and other information required for the construction of the street.

Superelevation in Road formula

The formula for calculating super elevation (also known as banking or cant) in a road is:

e = v² / (127 R)


  • e is the super elevation (or cant/banking) in meters or feet, depending on the units used for other variables

  • v is the design speed of the road in km/h or mph

  • The variable “R” represents the radius of the curve, measured in both meters or ft.

This formula assumes a snug and safe lateral acceleration of zero.15 g, a coefficient of friction of 0.7 between the tires and the street surface, and a wellknown gravity of nine.81 m/s² or 32.2 feet/s².

AASHTO Standard

Following the AASHTO standard, we use a specific formula to determine the recommended super elevation (E) for a curved section of road.

E = (V^2) / (g * R)


    • E: Represents the super elevation and is expressed as a decimal.

    • V: is the layout speed of the road in miles in step with hour (mph)

    • g: Signifies the acceleration due to gravity, with a price of nine.Eighty one m/s29.81m/s2.

    • R: is the radius of the curve in ft (for English units) or meters (for metric devices)

IRC Standard

 The IRC standard, as used in India, provides the following formula for calculating super elevation:

E = (V^2) / (127 * R)


    • E: Represents the super elevation and is expressed as a decimal.

    • V: is the design speed of the road in kilometers per hour (km/h)

    • R: Stands for thе radius of thе curvе and mеasurеd in mеtеrs.


TAC Standard (Australia)

The Australian Transport and Infrastructure Council (TAC) uses a similar formula to the AASHTO formula but with variations specific to Australian standards:

E = (V^2) / (g * R) * (1 + f)


    • E: Represents the super elevation and is expressed as a decimal.

    • V: Denotes the layout velocity of the road, measured in kilometers according to hour (km/h).

    • G: Signifiеs thе accеlеration duе to gravity and with a valuе of 9.81 m/s29.81m/s2.

    • R: Stands for thе radius of thе curvе and mеasurеd in mеtеrs.

    • F: Represents the side friction element, which takes into account lateral friction among tires and the street surface.

Eurocode Standard (European Union)

The Eurocode standard provides the following formula for calculating super elevation:

E = (V^2) / (g * R) * (1 + f)


    • E: Represents the super elevation and is expressed as a decimal.

    • V: Denotes the design speed of the road, measured in kilometers consistent with hour (km/h).

    • G: Signifies the acceleration due to gravity, with a price of 9.Eighty one m/s29.81m/s2.

    • R: Stands for thе radius of thе curvе and mеasurеd in mеtеrs.

    • F: Represents the side friction thing, which takes into consideration lateral friction among tires and the street floor.

FAQS Schema, Questions and Answers

What is the principle purpose of superelevation?

The main cause of superelevation is to beautify the protection and stability of automobiles as they navigate curves on roads. It includes raising the outer edge of a avenue or curve, allowing motors to tour at better speeds without skidding or sliding.


What happens without superelevation?

Without superelevation, while vehicles move round curves, they could have hassle staying solid. This can cause sliding or maybe tipping over, which isn’t always secure and may be uncomfortable for humans in the motors.

What is the maximum allowable remarkable elevation?

The maximum superelevation value is usually around 6% to 8% per foot of road width for most road designs. However, it’s important to note that actual values may vary based on factors like road type, design speed, and curve radius.

What is the minimum allowable super elevation?

The minimum slope is typically around 2% to 3% per foot of road width. This ensures that there’s enough banking to prevent skidding and sliding on curves, even at lower speeds.

What are the bounds of superelevation in road on curve?

The limits of superelevation on curves are commonly no less than 2% to a few% consistent with foot and a most of eight% to 10% in line with foot of road width.

What are the advantages of Superelevation in Road ?

The benefits of outstanding elevation include more secure curve navigation, better speeds, decreased put on on automobiles, advanced drainage, and superior basic road safety.


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