V funnel test on Self Compacting Concrete

V Funnel Test on Self-Compacting Concrete

The V Funnel Test widely assesses the workability of fresh concrete. Workability is a crucial belongings of concrete because it at once influences its ease of placement, compaction, and standard overall performance. The V-Funnel Test gives a quantitative measure of the waft time of concrete thru a standardized funnel equipment. This test ambitions to evaluate the workability of different concrete combos the usage of the V-Funnel Test and examine the results to decide their importance and implications.

Importance of V-Funnel Test in Quality Control

The V-Funnel test is an essential quality control tool for SCC production and placement. Its significance lies in its capability to:

Optimize Mix Design: The test helps fine-tune the SCC mix design by adjusting the proportions of materials and admixtures to achieve the desired flow properties.

Ensure Consistency: Regular V-Funnel testing during production ensures that the SCC consistently meets the specified rheological properties.

Detect Variations: Deviations in V-Funnel times can alert operators to changes in raw materials, admixture dosages, or mixing procedures.

Minimize Construction Delays: By confirming SCC’s flowability before placement, the V-Funnel test reduces the risk of unexpected issues during construction.

V-funnel test on Self Compacting Concrete limits on  SCC

Typical V-Funnel Times for SCC Classes

  • SF (High Flowability): Tf less than 10 seconds
  • VF (Medium Flowability): Tf between 10 and 20 seconds
  • LF (Low Flowability): Tf greater than 20 seconds

Common Range of Flowability for SCC

  • SF: 8 to 10 seconds
  • VF: 12 to 16 seconds
  • LF: 22 to 28 seconds

To meet specific project requirements, one can adjust these flowability ranges. For example, SF SCC may be demanded for complex architectural elements, while VF or LF SCC can be chosen for structural components.

Determine the V-Funnel Test on Self Compacting Concrete


The workability of clean concrete is crucial for accomplishing proper consolidation and making sure the preferred power and sturdiness of the hardened concrete. By conducting the V-Funnel Test, we can reap precious data approximately the float properties of concrete, allowing us to optimize the mix layout and alter the proportions of substances to meet the specific necessities of construction projects. Moreover, the outcomes of this experiment can aid in evaluating different concrete combinations, assessing the have an effect on of various admixtures, and enhancing first-rate manage at some point of concrete production.


  • The V-Funnel Test follows the suggestions provided by ASTM C1611-18, which outlines the usual technique for measuring the slump flow and T50 (waft time) of self-consolidating concrete. The test apparatus consists of a V-shaped funnel, a stand, and a timer, ensuring consistent testing conditions and accurate measurements.
  • EN 12350-9: The European standard for the V-Funnel test for SCC.
  • AASHTO T 345: The American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO) trendy for checking out SCC the use of the V-Funnel equipment.
  • ISO 26303: An international wellknown that provides recommendations for testing SCC using the V-Funnel take a look at.


This experiment focuses on evaluating the workability of fresh concrete samples using the V-Funnel Test. It does not address other aspects such as compressive strength, air content, or specific applications of the tested concrete mixtures. The scope encompasses the evaluation of concrete float time through the V-Funnel apparatus, with conclusions drawn from the results received.


The purpose of this experiment is to decide and evaluate the workability of various concrete mixtures using the V-Funnel Test. By measuring the float time, we can investigate the convenience of glide and evaluate the suitability of the concrete combos for specific creation packages.


  1. To perform the V-Funnel Test on different concrete mixtures.
  2. To measure and record the flow time of each concrete sample.
  3. To analyze and compare the flow times to assess the workability of the concrete mixtures.
  4. To draw conclusions about the performance and suitability of the tested concrete mixtures for construction applications.


  1. V-Funnel apparatus (complying with ASTM C1611-18)
  2. Stand for supporting the V-Funnel
  3. Timer or stopwatch for accurate time measurements
  4. Sample containers for concrete mixtures
  5. Trowel or scoop for transferring concrete samples


The V-Funnel Test determines the drift time of fresh concrete, which is a degree of its workability. Workability refers to the benefit with which concrete can be combined, transported, positioned, and compacted with out segregation or excessive bleeding. The V-Funnel consists of a funnel with a hard and fast outlet diameter and a stand. During the take a look at, a specified extent of concrete is poured into the funnel, and the float time is measured as the time taken for the concrete to absolutely skip thru the funnel. A shorter glide time indicates better workability, even as an extended drift time suggests reduced flowability and potential troubles for the duration of creation.

V Funnel test time limits 

The flow time of concrete through the V funnel is measured in seconds. The particular cut-off dates can vary, but as a guideline, a float time of 5 to 10 seconds is regularly considered suited for most concrete packages.


  1. Prepare the V-Funnel equipment consistent with ASTM C1611-18 tips.
  2. Ensure the funnel is clean and dry before starting the test.
  3. Collect representative concrete samples from different mixtures and thoroughly mix each sample.
  4. Fill the V-Funnel with the prepared concrete aggregate until it reaches the pinnacle of the funnel.
  5. Start the timer as soon as the concrete begins flowing out of the funnel and prevent the timer when the concrete ceases to flow.
  6. Record the flow time (T50) in seconds.
  7. Repeat the test with each concrete mixture at least three times to obtain reliable and consistent results.
  8. Calculate the average flow time for each concrete mixture.

v funnel test procedure


  1. Add up the flow times of each trial for a particular concrete mixture.
  2. Divide the sum by using the quantity of trials to acquire the common waft time.


Based on the V-Funnel Test outcomes, it may be concluded that unique concrete mixtures showcase various stages of workability.  The flow times obtained provide insights into the flow properties of the tested concrete samples. Shorter flow times indicate higher workability and better flow properties, while longer flow times suggest decreased workability and potential issues during placement and compaction. The experiment highlights the significance of assessing workability through the V-Funnel Test to ensure successful concrete construction.


The V-Funnel Test should be incorporated into concrete quality control procedures for assessing workability. Based at the effects obtained, modifications in blend proportions, use of appropriate admixtures, or changes in the concrete production technique may be encouraged to decorate workability and optimize the overall performance of concrete combinations. Additionally, further research and experimentation can discover the correlation between V-Funnel Test outcomes and other concrete homes to gain a extra comprehensive know-how of concrete workability.

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